The Leipper Management Group

Membership Services for Associations

An association's membership is its prime asset. Does your association protect this asset as well as it might?

Respect for member privacy

You know a lot of things about your members. Have you considered that your members might prefer that some of this information be kept strictly confidential? The Leipper Management Group understands personal information privacy issues and assures its clients of proper information privacy and protection. See our recommended policy - LMG Association Privacy Policy Recommendation.

Records management

Membership records are much more than just a list of current members - They are a history of the association and a resource for association growth and activity. Your membership records need to facilitate your welcoming back members who left the organization for a while; make it easy to contact selected subsets of the membership such as board members, officers, committee chairs, new members, long tenure members, past presidents, and others. The Leipper Management Group does not dispose of information about members once gained. Old or out of date information is marked appropriately. Member activities and association participation can be noted and properly aged so that the association can easily find out who is doing what or who has done what for the association.

Integration of record keeping

A primary means to cost effectiveness is to have everything working together. Leipper Management uses custom software to manage membership information and integrate it with directory publishing systems, facsimile and e-mail broadcasting, customized communications, web directories, and special reports and lists for volunteer call-outs, seminar attendance, or other needs.

Directories, certificates, and member materials

Our custom developed Membership Organization Support System software facilitates indexed directory creation for publication or web based directory listings as well as many other data integration products that will personalize your communications with your members.

Additional information for association leaders

What we don't do - we respect the expertise, experience, and certification of professionals in other fields and suggest that your association form partnerships to cover specialized needs.

The Leipper Management Group Leader's Guide - About the business of running an association.

The Leipper Management Group Director's and Officer's Orientation Guide - What are the responsibilities and duties of association officers and directors.

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copyright 2003 Leipper Management Group. All rights reserved Please address comments or questions to Last updated 02/18/2003