The Leipper Management Group

Partner Recommendations

A critical decision for association leaders is to determine when they need a professional partner to support association activities. The Leipper Management Group is your association management partner and functions like the staff and headquarters of your association. From time to time, the association may also need additional special expertise. Here are examples of professional partners your association may need to add to the team from time to time.

An Association Management Company (The Leipper Management Group)

Your members and leaders are volunteers with professional and avocational interests focused on the mission of the association and not so much on the business of running an association. An association management company provides your association the expertise and experience to complement that of its members and leaders and to provide the fundamental business services for your association.

Your association management company is in a position to suggest when a special association partner is needed for a particular need or function.

A banker

You need a banker to facilitate the storage and transfer of association funds. A good banker will help a non-profit association with reduced fees. assistance in maintaining account authority, and related matters.

Tax professional

The association may need to tap tax expertise in filing for IRS tax status, advising donors and contributors about the tax status of their contributions, preparing tax returns, and providing advice in regard to the tax implications of association activities.

Certified accountant

A certified accountant is needed if an audit is required. Accounting professionals may also be helpful in providing consultation and review of financial procedures.


A lawyer should be consulted prior to filing incorporation applications and whenever the association is contemplating a contract whose value is more than any single director is willing to handle personally. A lawyer may also be consulted in regards to questions about liability or other perceived risks of association activity.

Other specialists

Graphics artists, event managers, printers, and many other specialists may be needed at times. The leadership challenge is to be able to decide whether these services are best handled by association volunteers, the association management company staff, or specialists. Work with the Leipper Management Group to make sure your decisions will deliver maximum effect for minimum cost.

Additional information for association leaders

The Leipper Management Group Leader's Guide - About the business of running an association.

The Leipper Management Group Director's and Officer's Orientation Guide - What are the responsibilities and duties of association officers and directors.

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copyright 2002 Leipper Management Group. All rights reserved Please address comments or questions to Last updated 10/30/2002