Will your association exist tomorrow? Is it successful? Does it learn from the past and have plans to adapt to the future? The Leipper Management Group is available to help you implement association development for continued long term growth and success.
Your association is its members. Once you encourage members to help govern the association, they need training to understand what is expected of them and how to meet these expectations. A program of officer and director orientation and training can help your association leaders become effective executives for the association. This not only helps the association but also provides a personal development for those contributing to your association that will encourage, motivate, and reward your volunteer leaders.
The Leipper Management Group is available to help you solve association business problems and invent solutions for problems facing your association. You can put the expertise and experience of professionals in association management on tap for your association to maximize success at minimum cost.
The Leipper Management Group publishes a weekly association leader e-mail bulletin, topical guides about association management and leadership issues, and many other materials to assist association leaders in achieving success.
What we don't do - we respect the expertise, experience, and certification of professionals in other fields and suggest that your association form partnerships to cover specialized needs.
The Leipper Management Group Leader's Guide - About the business of running an association.
The Leipper Management Group Director's and Officer's Orientation Guide - What are the responsibilities and duties of association officers and directors.
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