Leipper Family Recipe Book

Preliminaries - Appetizers | Beverages

Note: The pictures are those on the title page and notes page of the chapter in the PDF and print version of the recipe book

The comments in the red boxes are from the 1800's home management book found in the Harrison collections.

early 1940's - Harrison Outing. The only recognizable people are Jo Harrision (in sunglasses) and Dorothy Harrision (Higgins) in white sweater.

1960 - Airstream Rally in San Marcos Texas - from left, Jo Harrision, Anita, Janet, Diane Dale, Virginia, Bryan Leipper, Maria Ashton



PDF version of recipe book chapter - Appetizers

PDF version of recipe book chapter - Beverages

Cheese Balls

Champagne Orange Punch

Cheese Puffs

Dandelion Wine

Chex Party Mix


Chili Cheese Roll-ups

Hot Buttered Rum

Crab Dip

Hot Mulled Cider



Ruby's Dip


Spiced Nuts

Russian Tea

Housekeepers Alphabet

1970's from left - Anita Leipper, Bryan & Jo Harrison, Dale Leipper, Robert & Myrtle Leipper, Diane, Janet, & Virginia Leipper

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