Cut butter and cheese and a few drops Tabasco sauce in flour until a dough is formed. Then chill overnight. Shape into balls, sprinkle with paprika and bake in 375 degrees oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
Maria Ashton used to babysit us when we were little. She was a family friend and visited mom and dad after they moved to Monterey. She was also a great cook. These Cheese Puffs, Jewjewbie Pie, and orange marmalade were some of the highlights. She was Northern Italian (emphasis on Northern). She also made excellent ravioli from scratch. Mom says she used to take her to the Mediterranean Market in Monterey to shop for the proper ingredients to make her ravioli. - DLL |
In bowl, blend cheeses, chilies, onions, and olives. Slightly warm tortillas in damp paper towel (40 seconds approx in microwave) Spread 1/2 cup cheese mixture on each on each tortilla. Roll up each tortilla jelly role fashion. Wrap each roll in plastic wrap and chill at least 1 hour. To serve cut each roll into 12 1/2 inch thick slices. Serve with salsa if desired. Makes about 48 appetizers
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