Russian Tea

M.W. Todd

3 cups sugar
3 oranges, juiced
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 rounded teaspoon whole cloves
1/2 cup orange pekoe tea

Tie cinnamon and cloves in a thin bag. Boil sugar and spices 5 minutes in 1 quart water. Remove from stove, add tea, cover and let stand 15 minutes, strain, add fruit juices, and let stand for several hours. When ready to serve, add 3 quarts rapidly boiling water. The syrup can be kept in ice box and used as desired. One gallon serves 30.

From Myrtle Leipper's recipe box

The M Todd (Russian tea) is Mary Todd - MLS

Dandelion Wine

Jo Harrison

Pour a gallon of boiling water over two quarts of dandelion flowers and let stand for 24 hours, then strain and add two pounds of white sugar and two lemons. Boil to three quarts, strain once more. Let stand for two or three days then bottle.

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