Comments and Memories

The following are experts from communications with Dale Leipper's friends, family, and colleagues after his death in 2004. They are presented here with permission.


This brought so many memories of hour our paths have crossed in many memorable ways in the past 50+ years. We will always be grateful for being accepted into the Texas A&M Graduate Program under the special work funding Dale arranged after the United Gass Fellowship had already been awarded. Dales's later guidance at NPS will always be remembered.

Jean & Glenn Jung


Dearest Virginia

Warren has already written you about the long friendship he and Dale had! I want to add a note re your part in it all! Warren & I married Aprile 1948! I thought "Goddy! We'll live in California all our life, beginning at La Jolla, the jewel! You were the first hostess at the Scripps wives coffee.

(After a stint in Louisiana) Then we moved to Texas to join the Leippers again - it was paradise after Louisiana climent NO AIR CONDITIONING. And we were on a street with only one house between us and the Leippers.

Then we moved to Monterey. We soon had the Leippers AGAIN and what a wonderful chairman of the Oceanography Dept Dale was!. We couldn't have had a more congenial staff, pleasant, intelligent chairman! I think of him as Atlas in the Greek Mysths \carrying the world on his shoulders!

P.S. I don't know why we didn't move to Reno and live nearby there?

Dodie Thompson

His (Dale's) passing prompted reflection on the nearly 60 years that we have known each other.

I first met Dale in September 1945 at Scripps Institution of Oceanography where we joined other veterens of World War II to make up the first graduate program in oceanography in the United States. Over the years I had the good fortune that my career ran alongside his. First at La Jolla. Then at College Station, and later at Monterey.

Dale lived a long and productive life, became a national leader in our chosen profession, and left a legacy of scientific and acadmeic accomplishments. I especially admired his ability to handle people in his position of leadership, and his good judgement and common sense in all matters.

Through the year we developed a strong camaraderie, and spent many an hour discussing events of the day, talking over institutional problems, and ranging over all manner of other subjects. Dale became a dear and loved friend.

I will certainly miss his presence an shall never forget him.

Warren Thompson

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