Comments and Memories

The following are experts from communications with Dale Leipper's friends, family, and colleagues after his death in 2004. They are presented here with permission.


It may be some consolation that he (Dale) was fortunate to have been with you, family, and friends for so many years and involved in the things he loved most in his life - communicating with the many people with whom he has been associated and whose lives he has influenced and enhanced. ... This is probably why he was a good leader.

Clearly, his leadership and vision established the Department of Oceanography at Texas A&M University and represent a wonderful legacy which we continue to marvel over.

...The theme of the ONR Colloquium (in 2000) was "Oceanography - the making of a Science" and Dale was recognized at that event as " of the Greats.." in that evolution.

Virginia we also remember the era of raising our families in College Station so many years ago. But in particular we remember the parties that you and Dale hosted in your home. The real winner was when the Dean of Arts and Science, came to one of these events and his chair collapsed under him.

... But in the longer run, Dale managed to win the administrate battles with the administration in spite of grumpy deans. Those were the good old days - gone but not forgotten.

Bob & Marjorie Reid (TAMU)


Of his many fine qualities, I remember best his kindness and understanding.

Bob Paquette. (NPG)


Growing up in the depression Dale was a shining knight, often challenging me.

Dale has been part of my life all these 80 years and no one can replace him

Mari Stitt (Dale's sister)


We extend our sympathy upon the passing of Dale. However, one can think back on his life of great accomplishments--not only of Virginia and his creation of a warm and loving family but also all he did in the field of education and science, ...I certainly did not know he was a prize tuba player!

Also, Virginia, Bartie often thinks of that wild trip across the USA in that ford 60 with you, Katie Olson, and Ozalene (?) Ward--I do not know how you four girls did it considering the time of year, nature of highways, and rationing hang in there and PERSEVERE!

Charlie Bates (Scripps)

Did he ever tell you of what he thought was his greatest accomplishment at Adak--the ability to sleep 12 hours/day! They had 40 weather forecasters there, so you were lucky to get to draw one map per day per person..

Adak has an interesting web page--it has dropped from 6,000 persons to 300 during the past decade--the survivors have plenty of housing they would like you to buy!

Charlie Bates


As you well know, I have very fond memories of your dad, and have always treasured the friendship we've shared for for more than 40 years!; he will be missed.

Sayed and Nan El Sayed (TAMU)


I will always have great memories on collaboration and friendship with Dale. He greatly inspired me, John, and other colleagues and students in our work and interest in marine research.

Darko Koracin (DRI)

I would like to add that John Lewis and I worked with Dale for some years. He was our colleague and friend and inspired us and others in coastal fog research. We will miss the experience and enthusiasm that he showed for many years.

Darko Koracin (DRI)


Dale was a very special person to a lot of people - glad that you were all standing by and sent him on his way with loving thoughts - Thanks so much.

Ken, Pat and all the Drummonds (TAMU)


We knew it had to occur one day, but it's nonetheless hard and I'm shedding tears while writing this to you. We are all very saddened and touched, Diane. He helped fill in the gap so much after my own dad died.

Becky McArtor (Family Friend - Becky's Father was in the brass quartet with Dad)


I will always have this wonderful memory of you and Bryan caring for your father in his last days-----there is no greater service we can render and in so doing we glorify God.

John Lewis (DRI)


On behalf of the Department of Oceanography, I express our deepest sympathies at the passing of the founder of the Department of Oceanography at Texas A&M University, your husband and father, and our friend. Recently I was at the funeral of a 61-year old friend who died just two months after he found he had cancer. There were some wonderful, uplifting stories told of the positive influence he had on many people. I know that the same was true of Dale. I shared the web site address with everyone in the department when I received it from Dr. El Sayed ( I enjoyed browsing through it, for I met Dr Leipper briefly only at our 50th Department Anniversary.

A former department head, Dave Brooks, wrote, "I am greatly saddened to hear of Dale's passing. When I was in the 12th floor office, Dale would call me about once a month to offer 'suggestions' about running the department. I wish all our former faculty were that interested in our welfare!

You will also remember the article about the history of the department and the R/V Jakkula, published in an early volume of Quarterdeck. Dale was a great help in preparing that article. I can still hear him telling me about the "tugboat trials" that almost lead to disaster!"

We have someone putting together some more information and will keep you informed of what transpires.

With warm regards, Wilford Gardner (TAMU Oceanography Department Head)


Dale and I worked together on many a research project at NPS. He was a fine man, full of innovative research ideas and a modle for me in my work as a faculty memberh and chairman of Meteorology.

Robert & Dot Renard (NPS)

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