The Leipper Management Group for Associations

The Leipper Management Group makes it possible for your association to have all of the benefits of a full time headquarters staffed by association professionals without the costs and obligations that usually comes with hiring people and renting facilities.


Keep track of who belongs


Membership Organization Support System


Keep the members informed


Take advantage of new technologies to improve communications


Segregate duties to ease the burden on your treasurer, reduce certified accounting costs, and provide better oversight of day to day financial transactions of your association.


Facilitate to-the-point communications with modern technologies to keep members, press, and others informed of association affairs.

Programs and Events

Don't get caught short or get surprised in planning your event.


Have a full time physical presence for your association


An association executive director is the chief executive officer. A smaller association does not have a budget for a full time ED but this does not mean the association is left without access to the services normally provided by an Executive Director.

Association development

Take steps to help your association grow and prosper

Professional Association

Put a professional view of your association before the community of businesses, other organizations, and the public.


Working with an association management company as a part of your team.


The expert professional help you need to form a management team

Benefits and Features of Leipper Management Group Services


Using your domain name for effective electronic messaging

Web Site

Using a web site for your association documentation and information needs


How LMG can help you maintain records for legal, financial, and historical association support

W9 form for use by U.S. clients (PDF 152 KB)

The Leipper Management Group, your association headquarters

Association Leadership -|- Management-|- Services -|- Association Headquarters -|- Technologies -|- Policies

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copyright 2003 Leipper Management Group. All rights reserved Please address comments or questions to Last updated 10/08/2003

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