Saute onion and celery in oil until soft. Add the tomatoes or tomato paste and stock, parsley, and seasonings. If you prefer a thicker soup, stir in the ground soybeans; if you like it thinner, add more stock. Simmer the soup while you prepare whatever beans you wish to add.
At least 30 minutes before serving the soup, add the cooked beans, the raw noodles or spaghetti and the cooked barley or wheat berries.
Cook the chopped vegetables until they are nearly done by steaming or cooking in as little water as possible. Combine with the soup about 10 minutes before serving, including any cooking water. The leafy greens should be added to the pot just 5 minutes before serving. Don't count them as part of the 2 cups of vegetables but add them in as extras, because they cook down to a fraction of their original volume.
After combining all ingredients, bring the soup to a boil, then simmer for a minute or two while correcting the seasonings. If you like, garnish each bowl with a spoonful of Parmesan cheese. Makes about 10 cups.
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