
The following are the family members who recipes are included in this book. Each person is linked to a page with a short biographical scketch and a list of recipies credited to them.


Marguerite Cost

Julia Duncan

Barbara Grosse

Leah Grosse

Josephine (Jo) Harrison

Dorothy Higgins

Elizabeth Higgins

Florence Irwin

Roberta Grosse Jonilionis

Tressia Lang

Anita Leipper (ADL)

Aurora Leipper

Betty Leipper

Bryan Leipper

Diane Leipper (DLL)

Myrtle Leipper

Virginia Leipper (VHL)

Janet Leipper Smith

Dana Stitt Lovelace (DSL)

Jeannine Grosse Rupert (JGR)

Karen Grosse Smith (KGS)

Sylvia Spickler

Grammy Stitt

Isabelle Stitt (IS)

Mari Stitt (MLS)


Maria Ashton

Weenonah Bayer

Billie Beemer

Dawn Cox

Delores Dahme

Trudy Folweiler

Ruby Gaines

Mary Gruenke

Nina Hadden

Linora Meek

Glenna Meyers

B.J. Neighbours

Jerry Pickering Moore

Marjorie Reid

Ina Volgamore

Norma Wolfe

Corinne Wright


* The initials after the name are used to identify the author of comments throughout the book.

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