Grandma Leipper's Plum Pudding is a Christmas tradition in the Leipper Family. Because of the demand for Plum Pudding, Mother has been making some in 2 lb. coffee cans so each family member can receive an individual present as well as sharing this recipe at Christmas dinner. -DLL

Plum Pudding

Note: See pictures at the bottom of this page

Myrtle Leipper

1 cup white sugar

1/2 box raisins

1 teaspoon soda

*1 large cup shaved suet

1/2 box (if wanted) currants

1 cup chopped nuts

3 cups flour

1 pt. buttermilk

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix ingredients as listed, pour into greased pan, steam 4 hours.

You may need to add more buttermilk. You may add fruit (candied). Make about like you would for drop biscuits. This will make enough for about 4 meals for your family, you can wrap it and keep it then resteam it.

*The suet is much easier to fix if run through a food processor - VHL

I usually put either into a mold or a coffee type pan, cover with foil, and place on a rack in a large pot. Pour in boiling water up about 2/3 on cans or mold. Put lid on pot, and then steam for about 4 hours - VHL

Good suet is hard to find - usually you get trimmings. The best suet is the kidney suet which can be found in old fashioned butcher shops, if you are lucky enough to find one. - VHL

Hard Sauce

powdered sugar, butter, brandy

The hard sauce ingredients can be mixed to produce a thick paste that can be spread over the cut slices as they are served. Best when pudding is warm.

Credit for the Plum Pudding goes to Margaret Leipper, Dad's mother, probably a Scottish recipe from the Auld family, She was known for this I can remember her talking about it. - MLS

Tressia Lang

Suet before grinding. This piece is what I would call a second choice. The first choice piece was a more solid, mostly white piece. I ground that up before thinking to take a picture

Ground suet, ready for the plum pudding. I ground this in the blender. I only put a small bit (about ΒΌ cup) in at a time.

The roasting pan works great as a steamer. I can put two regular size loaf pans, have plenty of water, and keep the water at a good simmer. Also the rack makes it easy to get the loaves out.

The finished product. The white spots are the nuts. All it needs now is the hard sauce.

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