Pecan Pie is very obviously a family favorite as indicated by the number of people who submitted it or had it in their recipe box including, Dana Lovelace, (whose recipe came from Tressia Lang) Karen Smith, Diane Leipper, Virginia Leipper, Myrtle Leipper, and Jo Harrison.

P ecan Pie

Myrtle Leipper

3 beaten eggs
1 cup pecans, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup white sugar
2 or 3 Tablespoon butter, melted
1 cup dark Karo
1 pinch salt

Beat eggs. Add rest of ingredients stirring well. Pour into unbaked pie crust. Bake at 350 about 1 hour until inserted knife comes out clean.

I spent a memorable weekend with Aunt Tress and Bob when I was 11 years old. She taught me to make pie crust. I remember I made a huge mess and her pie crust was rolled exactly to size with no excess flour on the board. Bob took me all over San Diego on the back of his motorcycle. DLS

Wine Pie

Diane Leipper

1/2 cup wine (port)
1 & 1/2 doz. marshmallows
1/2 pint whipped cream

Quarter marshmallows, heat wine, dissolve marshmallows in hot wine. Cool and fold in whipped cream. Put in graham cracker crust. Chill in refrigerator overnight.

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