I think that this recipe came from some friends of Jo Harrison. VHL

Gum Drop Cake

1/2 lb. raisins

1/8 teaspoon cloves

3/4 cup applesauce

1/2 lb. (no black) gum drops

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon soda

1/2 cup pecans

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 Tablespoon hot water


1/2 cup shortening

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups flour

1 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 egg

Cream shortening and sugar together, add egg, beat. Heat pecans in a little butter. Dissolve soda in the hot water. Sift the flour with the dry ingredients, add alternately with the applesauce and soda. Add the vanilla, beat well. Fold in the raisins, gum drops and pecans. Pour into a greased loaf tin that has been lined with wax paper. Bake in a slow oven 300 to 325 degrees for about 1 hour.

Flavoring, Extracts, Fruit-juices, Etc.

The following directions for the preparation at home of extracts, etc., are contributed by a trustworthy and experienced dealer, and may be relied upon. Of flavoring extracts put up for the general market, almond and peach are seldom pure, and are sometimes even poisonous. The other kinds are less liable to be adulterated.

To prepare vanilla, take one ounce of fresh vanilla beans, cut fine, and rub thoroughly with two ounces granulated sugar, put in a pint bottle, and pour over it four ounces pure water, and ten ounces of ninety-five per cent deodorized alcohol. Set in a warm place, and shake occasionally for fourteen days.

To prepare lemon, cut in small pieces the rinds of two lemons, put in a four-ounce bottle, and fill with deodorized strong alcohol, set in a warm place for a week; then put tow drams fresh oil of lemon, four ounces of deodorized strong alcohol, and the juice of half a lemon, in a bottle of sufficient size to hold all; the strain in the tincture of lemon peel.

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