For the 2003 edition of the Family Recipe Book, I has scanned some of the recipes in the various recipe boxes that belonged to my grandmothers, Jo Harrison and Myrtle Leipper, my mother, Virginia Leipper and my own collection. In the fall of 2023 I scanned all of the rest of recipes and other materials in the recipe boxes . One set I wasn’t sure if they were Mother’s or her mother, Jo Harrison so that material is under Jo Harrison & Virginia. I scanned each collection into a set of parts as PDF files. These smaller parts make the documents more manageable and easier to open that one large document.
Josephine Harrison |
Myrtle Leipper |
Virginia Leipper |
Diane Leipper |
These are handwriting samples of Jo, Myrtle, Virginia and Diane. The idea was to make it more likely to recognize who wrote what recipes in the following PDF documents. Click on the sample to see a larger view |
This is a photo gallery of recipes I have made from theses collections
Photo gallery of handwriting samples
List of recipes in this collection
List of recipes in this collection
List of recipes in this collection
List of recipes in this collection
These recipes weren’t in any particular recipe box so they can’t accurately be identified as to who they belonged to.
List of recipes in this collection
These come from the Harrison side of the family. I scanned the complete documents of these special collections.
This book is dated 1894. It was used as the foundation for recipes, kitchen tips, and related information from a variety of sources which were pasted onto the pages
This is a collection of recipes, kitchen tips, and related information from a variety of sources pasted onto the pages of a notebook. This appears to date to the 1930’s
List of recipes in this collection
This set of recipe cards includes descriptive hand drawn pictures. Most of the recipes have the name of the contributor but I don’t know who actually did the drawings
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