The on-line edition of the Leipper Family Recipe Book include some special features made possible by the use of web based technologies. To make the book more compatible with a web based format some chapters have been split and recipes rearranged for better fit. This edition also includes some elements that were not part of the latest print edition of the book. These include additional pages, photographs, and comments.
This book is an evolving project. Moving to html format and utilizing the web has provided a whole range of new ideas and possibilities. Many of the sections may not be completed yet. This may be due to the conversion process itself or it may be because a particular page or component is a new idea and only partially completed. These are uploaded as a test or pilot project so any comments or feedback are greatly appreciated.
The Recipe Book is divided into chapters as outline on the home page of this document. To move from one to the other you can click on any chapter to view its contents then go back to the home page to click on the next chapter. The other option now available is to go to the bottom of any chapter page and click on "next chapter" to go directly from one chapter to the next as you would with a print copy of the book.
This works the same way as the chapter links. Each chapter main page lists all of the recipes in that chapter. You can opt to go back and forth between the recipes and the chapter page or go to the bottom of an individual recipe page and click on "next page ...." The link on the last page in any chapter takes you back to the main chapter page.
Instead of a list of contributors to this book there is a photo gallery. This gallery includes a picture of each contributor and a short description. Clicking on the name of each person in this gallery links to their biography. Page.
These pages are new to the on-line version of the Recipe Book. As with most of this book, the idea evolved from discussions between Bryan and I. These pages provide a little biographical information on each contributor to the book as well as additional photos and a list of recipes credited to that individual. The recipes listed are linked to the recipes throughout the book. As with the chapter and recipe links, at the bottom of the page there will be a link to go directly to the next biography.
These links are to other information related to the design and development of this document.
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Description of the process of converting this document from a word processing document to html. |
The history of how this book came to be and some comments on the tools used and adaptations for the web version |
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