Paisley The Rescue Bird

Paisley is a Fisher’s Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri). He showed up at our house in April of 2017. After hanging around for about two weeks eating the bird feed I put out for the wild birds, I decided to try and catch this bird. I didn’t think it would be safe for long with all the cats, hawks and other predators we have around here. The bird was fairly easy to catch once I decided how to go about it.

It took about two weeks after we captured him for him to tell us his name was Paisley. It fits his colorful appearance and happy carefree personality

Paisley photo Gallery

Paisley Stories

Capturing the bird -|- Paisley’s first trip

Links - General Information

Wikepedia Description

Lafebur Website

Facts about Lovebirds

Paisley Videos

2018 November – new links to hang toys with

2018 December – stuffing links into cage bars

2018 December – new toy

Paisley busy chatter

Paisley bedtime chatter

Paisley playing with his ball

Paisley September 2018

Blue Jay September 2018

Video links

Vision Bird cage (This is the cage we got for Paisley)

bird cage set up

Another bird cage video

Owning and caring for a Lovebird

Paisley activity video 1 -|- video 2 July 2019

Resource Links

Safe woods for birds

Harrison’s High Potency food

Large size wet wipes for traveling

Travel fans

Homemade bird toys

Dandelions for birds