Many of these, I've been by myself, with no neighbors. Either in a closed park, or in a closed camp loop. Very nice! I've hosted 5 horse camps. Sadly, no pictures except one.
Elkhorn Valley BLM. Gates, OR, 2010. May-Labor Day. Day use and camp host. Host site off by itself -my favorite host site. |
Horsfall, ODNRA. Bluebill camp, Horsefall Beach camp & day use, and Wild Mare horse camp. |
Joshua Tree National Park visitor center and camp host |
Beachside State Park – maintenance host title, day use host in campground closed for the winter |
Cape Blanco State Park (day use and camp host) |
Cascara SP, SWMU day use and camp host. |
Champoeg 2022, Sept., Oct. Oregon State Park. Newberg area. WBCCI Rally at park. |
Goose Lake (day use and camp host) |
Honeyman State Park, OR. Loop H. & loop F. Welcome Center. Day use host with host site in F loop of camp. (also did H loop camp host once) |
Nehalem Bay State Park Day use only. Host site in a camp loop. Host duties included day use areas around the bay and airport and horse camp and hiker-biker camp |
Newport, Oregon. Area parks - South Beach, Beverly Beach, Yaquina Bay SP |
South Beach SP, OR Welcome Center. Day use host with host site in camp |
Lowell SP -|- Lowell SP 2 |
ODFW Summer Lake maintenance host |
Anita host at - Lowell SP |
Anita host at - Thompson’s Mill |
Anita host at - Cascara SP, SWMU |
Anita host at - Humbug Mountain SP, OR |
Anita host at - Humbug SP. CBMU |
Anita host at - Tseriadun State Recreation Site |
Anita host at - Cape Blanco & Humbug |
Anita host at - Cape Blanco State Park |
Anita host at - Arizona Beach |
Anita host at - Sunset Bay SP |