Anita’s photo galleries

Current as of February 15. 2022


Group 1

Group 2

index page

Area events


Anita’s parks and travel page

Birds in Anita’s yard


Family camping and related topics

Anita’s parks and travel page

Bus views 2


Anita’s parks and travel page

Cascades Raptor Center


Anita’s parks and travel page

Favorite photos


Anita’s parks and travel page



Anita’s parks and travel page

November cranberry gleaning


Anita’s parks and travel page

Riding the bus – views from the windows


Anita’s parks and travel page

Rollin oldies 9th annual rally, Champoeg park


Anita’s parks and travel page

Snow on the Oregon & Northern California Coast 2019


Anita’s parks and travel page

Tina at Elijah Bristow State Park/Kinetic Sculpture training


Anita’s parks and travel page

Whole plant foods


Anita’s parks and travel page

2004 & 2005 review

Annual summaries

Anita’s parks and travel page

2006 review

Annual summaries

Anita’s parks and travel page

2007 review

Annual summaries

Anita’s parks and travel page

2008 by month

Annual summaries

Anita’s parks and travel page

2009 by month

Annual summaries

Anita’s parks and travel page

2016 review

Annual summaries

Anita’s parks and travel page

Bristow 2020 & 2021

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

color run & 34 hour run Eljaj Bristow SP

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

Dodge Chevy & more towing horse trailers

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

horses llamas and mules

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

OBDs Fords towing horse trailers

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

Oregon equestrian trails event

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

RV horse trailers – weekend cabovers

Elijah Bristow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

park events 2019 & events in parks

general information

Anita’s parks and travel page

park flowers

general information

Anita’s parks and travel page

park wildlife

general information

Anita’s parks and travel page

parks where Anita has hosted

general information

Anita’s parks and travel page

rainbows, weather, seasons & moons host sites and travel

general information

Anita’s parks and travel page

rivers. Lakes and streams near host sites

general information

Anita’s parks and travel page

boats, beaches & planes at Lowell SP

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Drag boats at Lowell state park

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Fire & rescue at Lowell SP

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Host Lowell drag boat races

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Jones fire staging area

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Jones fire take down

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Lowell sp & Broken Bowl NFS

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

Festive – celebrations of various sorts

Miscellaneous celebrations

Anita’s parks and travel page

Oregon County Fair 2016 & 2017

Miscellaneous celebrations

Anita’s parks and travel page

Scandinavian Festival

Miscellaneous celebrations

Anita’s parks and travel page

Elkhorn Valley BLM Gates, OR 2010 May Labor Day

National and federal parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Horsefall ODNRA Bluebill camp Horsefalls beach camp and day use and Wild Mare horse camp

National and federal parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Joshua Tree National Park

National and federal parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Arizona Beach

Oregon Day Use areas

Cape Blanco Management Unit

Anita’s parks and travel page

Ecola SP Day Use

Oregon Day Use areas

Anita’s parks and travel page

Elijah Bistro ST 2013-2017

Oregon Day Use areas

Elijah Bisrow SP

Anita’s parks and travel page

Jasper SP 2019

Oregon Day Use areas

Jasper, Cascara, & Thompson’s Mill

Anita’s parks and travel page

Jasper State Park 2013-2018

Oregon Day Use areas

Jasper, Cascara, & Thompson’s Mill

Anita’s parks and travel page

Lowell SP

Oregon Day Use areas

Lowell State Park

Anita’s parks and travel page

ODFW Summer Lake

Oregon Day Use areas

Anita’s parks and travel page

Pilot Butte SP, OR Day use host 7/11

Oregon Day Use areas

Anita’s parks and travel page

Thompson’s Mill State Park

Oregon Day Use areas

Jasper, Cascara, & Thompson’s Mill

Anita’s parks and travel page

Tseriadun State Recreational Area

Oregon Day Use areas

Cape Blanco Management Unit

Anita’s parks and travel page

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse

Oregon Day Use areas

Anita’s parks and travel page

Beachside State Park

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Beachside State Park maintenance host title, day use host in campground closed for the winter

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Cape Blanco State Park (day use and camp host)

Oregon State Parks

Cape Blanco Management Unit

Anita’s parks and travel page

Cape Blanco State Park and Humbug

Oregon State Parks

Cape Blanco Management Unit

Anita’s parks and travel page

Cascara SP SWMU day use and camp host

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Champoeg State Park

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Goose Lake (day use and camp host)

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Heceta Head Lighthouse

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Honeyman State Park OR Loop H and Loop F

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Humbug Mountain SP

Oregon State Parks

Cape Blanco Management Unit

Anita’s parks and travel page

Humbug SP CBMU

Oregon State Parks

Cape Blanco Management Unit

Anita’s parks and travel page

Nehalem Bay State Park

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

ODFW Summer Lake

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Silver Falls State Park

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

South Beach SP

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Sunset Bay SP

Oregon State Parks

Sunset Bay Management area

Anita’s parks and travel page

Tugman SP and Tugman stop overs

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Umpqua Lighthouse State Park

Oregon State Parks

Anita’s parks and travel page

Bayside before and after


Anita’s parks and travel page

Jackie’s bayside house


Anita’s parks and travel page

host appreciation gifts from the park

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

Maintenance during covid

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

park activities over the years

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

park maintenance and repairs

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

park vehicles

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

park Visitors

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

Rhododendrons, Sunset Bay campground

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

RV sitings

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

SWMU host appreciation 2018

Park Activities

Anita’s parks and travel page

SBMU hosts & rangers

Sunset Bay Management area

Anita’s parks and travel page

Shore Acres

Sunset Bay Management area

Anita’s parks and travel page

SMBU hosts

Sunset Bay Management area

Anita’s parks and travel page

Tree down, Sunset Bay camp, A37

Sunset Bay Management area

Anita’s parks and travel page

Death Valley


Anita’s parks and travel page

Early Travels


Anita’s parks and travel page

El Camino Real Rally, Quartzite AZ


Anita’s parks and travel page

Escapees – Coos Bay OR


Anita’s parks and travel page

Escapees – Death Valley, Why, AZ


Anita’s parks and travel page

Frank Lloyd Wright house


WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Anita’s parks and travel page

Ft Churchill Scout Camp- Carson River Ranches NV October 2011


Anita’s parks and travel page

Lava Beds NM CA August 2008


Anita’s parks and travel page

Mount Hood


WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Anita’s parks and travel page

Oregon Unit rally Westfir


Anita’s parks and travel page

Organ Pipe


Anita’s parks and travel page

Red Rock Canyon


Anita’s parks and travel page

Road Trip Documents


Anita’s parks and travel page

Tecopa area, CA


Anita’s parks and travel page

Visiting other rallies


Anita’s parks and travel page

Walker Lake 20 mile beach


Anita’s parks and travel page

WBCCI Salem Rally 2018


WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Anita’s parks and travel page

Wishkeytown NRA


Anita’s parks and travel page

Anita’s pet birds


Family camping and related topics



Family camping and related topics

Birds in Anita’s yard



Family camping and related topics

birds, feeders, feed store, and information


Family camping and related topics

family birding history


Family camping and related topics

Flamingos & spoonbills


Family camping and related topics

nests and young


Family camping and related topics

Terra Court birds


Family camping and related topics



Family camping and related topics

commercial floral arrangements


Family camping and related topics



Family camping and related topics

edible structures


Family camping and related topics

Family celebrations


Family camping and related topics

Festive foods from a variety of sources


Family camping and related topics



Family camping and related topics

4 Adairs

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany – Adair Family

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany – Smith Family

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany & Tim

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany dressing up

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany family activities

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany family travels

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany hats

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Brittany, Jourdan & Trevor

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Family – Brittany 1

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Family – Jourdan Smith family 4/15

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Hairstyles – Janet & family

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Reagan Adair

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Reagan Adair 16+

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Reagan and Tate

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Tate Adair 10 yrs & younger

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

Tate Adair 1q yrs & older

Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics


Family – Smith, Adair

Family camping and related topics

bare feet and saddle oxfords

Family attire

Family camping and related topics

Dresses – family

Family attire

Family camping and related topics

family hairstyles

Family attire

Family camping and related topics

Harrison family dresses

Family attire

Family camping and related topics


Family attire

Family camping and related topics

men dress styles

Family attire

Family camping and related topics

outdoor and casual apparel

Family attire

Family camping and related topics

beach outing

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

Family camping – early years

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

Family camping – later years

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

family pictures of the sun and moon

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

lakes and steams

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

open doors

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

park and campground facilities

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

parks and other natural wonders

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

RV’s Unique and interesting RV’s

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

swimming pools

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

visiting special places

Family camping

Family camping and related topics

Bryan Harrison family homes

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

collection displays

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

Dale Leipper family homes

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

family automobiles

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

family cooks

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

family employment, business & volunteer endeavors

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

family hobbies

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

Leipper kids homes

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

Mom’s sewing projects

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

puzzles from thrift shops

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

Robert Leipper family homes

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

technology of the Leipper family

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

Terra Court flowers

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

water heater gallery

Miscellaneous family

Family camping and related topics

Anita’s cats and other pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Bryan & Josephine Harrison’s pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics


pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Dale and Virginia family pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Diane’s dogs, cat & other pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

family pets and more

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Favorite animal pictures

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Janet’s pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Robert & Myrtle Leipper family pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

Ted and Dorothy Higgins Pets

pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics


pets and other animals

Family camping and related topics

2018 Oregon Unit rally


SNU and Airstreams in general

Campfires – free form


SNU and Airstreams in general

Campfires – structured


SNU and Airstreams in general



SNU and Airstreams in general

community service


SNU and Airstreams in general

Historic towns and stations


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally activities – North of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally activities – South of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally activities by month


SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU 2018


SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU 2019


SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU rallies in California


SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU special qualities


SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU visiting other Airstream events


SNU and Airstreams in general

visiting historic sites


SNU and Airstreams in general

Airstream motorhomes


SNU and Airstreams in general

Airstream tow vehicles


SNU and Airstreams in general

Airstream windows – back


SNU and Airstreams in general

Airstream windows – front


SNU and Airstreams in general

family Airstreams – Bvan


SNU and Airstreams in general

family Airstreams – Harrison


SNU and Airstreams in general

family Airstreams – Leipper


SNU and Airstreams in general

family Airstreams – number 1193


SNU and Airstreams in general

family Airstreams – number 772


SNU and Airstreams in general

fresh water hoses


SNU and Airstreams in general

hitches, blocks and chocks


SNU and Airstreams in general

Ideas – creative solutions


SNU and Airstreams in general

new Airstreams 1st fally


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally projects


SNU and Airstreams in general



SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU classic Airstreams


SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU variety of Airstreams in 1 picture


SNU and Airstreams in general



SNU and Airstreams in general

titling trailers


SNU and Airstreams in general

visiting RV’s


SNU and Airstreams in general

WBCCI red numbers


SNU and Airstreams in general

breakfast and brunch

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

commercially prepared food

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

Cooks & equipment

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

eating out & eating in

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

family shared meals at rallies

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

menus and food

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

morning coffe

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

outdoor shared meals

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general

outdoor shared meals – early days

Cooking and cooks

SNU and Airstreams in general


highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Brian and Jeni

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Bryan & Diane

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Bryan & Jerry

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general


highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Diane’s hats

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Don and Gail

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Don and MaryLou and Fred and Ann

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Doris Highlights

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Gary and Anita

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Gene and Carmen

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Jerry and Dyann

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Longtime SNU members

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Randy and Vicki

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Rick and Jeanne

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Roger and Janet

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU photographers

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Wes and RoyLaine

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

Wheels and Doris

highlighting people

SNU and Airstreams in general

august rally memories


SNU and Airstreams in general

birds and feeders


SNU and Airstreams in general

elevation of rally sites


SNU and Airstreams in general

geology of rally sites


SNU and Airstreams in general

Great Basin flowers and other plants


SNU and Airstreams in general

Great Basin trees, shrubs and other plants


SNU and Airstreams in general

lakes rivers and streams North of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

lakes rivers and streams South of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally site vistas north of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally site vistas South of I80 and east of US 395


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally site vistas South of I80 and west of US 395


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally weather north of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally weather south of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

rally wildlife and animals


SNU and Airstreams in general

roads and trails east of hwy 95


SNU and Airstreams in general

roads and trails north of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

roads and trails south of I80


SNU and Airstreams in general

The sun and moon


SNU and Airstreams in general

too much weather


SNU and Airstreams in general

Walker Lake


SNU and Airstreams in general

What’s in the air


SNU and Airstreams in general

family at rallies

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general


people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general


people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general


people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

highlight the ladies at SNU events

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

History – the SNU and the MBCU

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

Jerry’s activities at rallies

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general


people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

members as visitors

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general


people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

pets in their rally clothes

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

pets in their travel homes

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

rally clothes

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

rally folks and Airstreams

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

Rand and Vicki creations

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general


people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU logo

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

SNU members first to most recent rallies

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

talents of the SN

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

Vicki’s boquet

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

visitors and guests

people, pets and just for fun

SNU and Airstreams in general

Eagle Lake

Rally sites by year

SNU and Airstreams in general

Ft Sage

Rally sites by year

SNU and Airstreams in general

Lahontan Beach 7

Rally sites by year

SNU and Airstreams in general

Obsidian Dome

Rally sites by year

SNU and Airstreams in general

Pyramid Lake

Rally sites by year

SNU and Airstreams in general

Weed Heights

Rally sites by year

SNU and Airstreams in general

Airstream varieties

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Flamingos at Salem

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Frank Lloyd Wright/Gordon House/Oregon garden

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR


2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Mt Hood tour

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Rally participants

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Region 12 breakfast

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Salem 2018

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

Salem 2018 first day

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

SNU at Salem

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR

vintage Airstreams

2018 WBCCI rally

WBCCI International Rally – Salem, OR